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First Time Mom Questions

As seen on SproutFit

The internet has truly changed the information age (for the better) and sometimes for the worse. However, there are so many questions as a FTM (First Time Mom) I needed answers to, and I would be calling, asking, and searching frantically to figure them out. I thought to myself one day, wouldn’t it be nice to have a list of basic baby questions with answers to them? So that was my inspiration for this post, and you’re welcome in advance! Some of these questions might seem so simple, but I honestly did not know the answers to them until I lived through the experience, and received my answer by simply asking. No question is stupid!

Question: How Do I Give My Newborn A Bath?

Answer: First you will need an infant friendly tub, some bamboo washcloths, and some mild baby shampoo and body wash. Babies are not safe in a large bathtub with no support at this age (as you already know), so sink baths are best until they outgrow them. I love the Puj tub. Make sure the water is not too hot, and wash in between those adorable wrinkles!

Question: How Do I Know If My Baby Is Sick? What To Do When They Have A Fever?

Answer: First check their temperature. Second notice if they have a drop in activity levels, or if they are fussier than normal. Always call your doctor if there is a fever over 100, especially if the baby is three months and younger. Never just give a newborn baby medicine without talking to their pediatrician first, this is only because their little bodies are so fragile and sensitive especially when they are sick!

Question: How Do I Know If My Baby Has Gas?

Answer: If your baby is crying and can’t seem to be settled, it could be that they have gas. If they bring their legs up to their chest when laying on the ground, it could be uncomfortable tummy problems. Try “running” in place with their legs, as well as pushing their knees somewhat firmly up to their tummy. Don’t be surprised if your little one lets a toot go! Gripe water and anti gas drops also help to settle the bubbles down too.

Question: What Is Reflux?

Answer: Reflux is simply when the stomach contents get backed up into the baby’s esophagus, which causes discomfort as well as spitting up. The muscle in between the stomach and the esophagus is immature causing the discomfort, but it will go away in time.

Question: Does My Baby Have Colic?

Answer: This one is hard to say yes or no to. Always watch out for the famous “colic symptoms” which include: crying episodes lasting 2-3 hours long, inconsolable crying, late afternoon and evening episodes.

Question: Why Is My Baby Fussy?

Answer: It could be for a variety of reasons, and it is best to always eliminate the list when you are trying to calm them down. Are they changed, burped, fed, and rested? Do they just want to self soothe with a binky? Do they have gas or an upset tummy? Are they too hot or cold? Just go through the list each time your little one is fussy.

Question: How Do I Know If My Baby Is Too Hot?

Answer: Feel their hands, are they balmy? Are their cheeks flushed? Are they sweating? It is easy to over dress your baby in the winter, so just watch out for those signs! Likewise in the summer, be careful not to overheat your little one and always wear sunscreen.

Question: How Many Naps A Day Should My _____ Old Be Taking?

Answer: 0-3 Months- They normally are awake 30-90 minutes before taking another snooze. Day time sleeping is anywhere from 3-6 hours. 4-5 months- Awake time is 1.5-2 hours and they sleep anywhere from 3-4 hours throughout the daytime. 6-7 months- they are awake 2-3 hours and will be asleep anywhere 2-3 hours throughout the day. 8-9 months- total daytime sleep is 2-3 hours and they are awake 2.5-2.5 hours. 10-12 months- total daytime sleep is 2-3 hours and their awake time is 3-4 hours.

Question: Can I Delay My Vaccination Schedule?

Answer: Yes. Just yes. You are the mother or father, you get to choose this. See out delayed schedule here.

Question: Can You Spoil Your Baby By Holding Him/Her Too Much?

Answer: As newborns, no way! Babies are meant to be held, plain and simple. Granted, there are times when you will need to put them down, and that is fine too. Enjoy these moments, because they go by way too fast!

Question: What Color Poop Is Normal For A Breastfed Baby?

Answer: Mustard yellow color is totally normal, and it may have a seedy look to it. If your babies poop is frothy and green it means they are getting too much “foremilk” and not enough of the fatty hind milk at the back of the breast. Aim for longer feeds on each breast to make sure they are getting the hind milk.

Question: How Do I Know How Many Layers To Dress My Child In?

Answer: Dress them in one more layer than you are wearing to be safe. Overdressing is just as harmful as underdressing because you don’t want them to overheat. Young babies cannot regulate their body temperatures quite yet.

Question: When Will My Baby Know The Difference Between Daytime and Night?

Answer: This is tough at first because you are exhausted and your baby is ready to be wide awake in the early hours of the morning. Take heart, this should not last more than a couple of weeks! To acclimate them better, during their daytime naps make sure it is louder than the night time naps, and keep it light. At night, swaddle and white noise in a dark room will signal it's time for bed.

Question: How Often Should My Newborn Be Eating?

Answer: They should eat around 10-12 times per day.

Question: Should I Swaddle?

Answer: This topic has been controversial for some, but if your child likes to be swaddled then do it. Make sure to watch them around 4 months when they can roll over, because swaddling no longer may be safe!

Question: Should I Wake A Sleeping Baby To Feed Them?

Answer: This really depends on the child. If you little one is having a hard time gaining weight, it is best not to let them sleep longer than 3-4 hours the first month or two so they can eat. It is also important to make sure they eat this frequently (if they need it) to ensure they are hydrated! Once again, every baby is different but my pediatrician told us no longer than 4 hours between feeds for 1-2 months.

Question: I am curious about vaccinations, and if I can delay them or not?

Answer: Yes, see my post here on all things vaccinations!

Question: When did you start pumping? What Pump Do You Have?

Answer: I started pumping about 1 week in, and I have the Medela pump. Everyone is different in this regard, as some people never pump and others do through working. I pumped for the first 8 weeks to build up a small stash. See my post here on breastfeeding and pumping.

Do you have another other pressing questions? Comment below!

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