Scott Michael’s Birth Story
On October 14th, 2017 our lives changed forever. Scott Michael Jones made his way (quickly) into this world at 2:55am weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces, 19 1/4 long, and we couldn't be more in love. I am so excited to document his birth story, and share our photos taken from the hospital. Levi and my mom were in the room, and later that day the rest of our friends and family came to meet our newest little love.
For weeks I was having a lot of discomfort, so it doesn't really come as a surprise that he came 2 weeks early! At my 35 week appointment, I was excited to finally get "checked" to see if any dilation had started. It was a weird time in my pregnancy because I was anxious about the upcoming labor but I was also excited for it too. In my mind I was preparing for a long labor, and going past 40 weeks just so I was not disappointed and impatient. When I went in for my 35 week with Dr. Jenni Bradley (who is SO awesome, and I loved my experience with her) I was also expecting to not have any dilation even though I was secretly hoping for some! She told me I was already dilated to a 2, and I was 60% effaced. Wait what? I left feeling nervous.
So many ups and downs emotionally which is not normal for me (thanks pregnancy)! My husband Levi and I had a lot going on in the month of October, primarily Levi. He was out of town the first week of October in Arizona studying for his series 7 exam for Financial Planning. His test was October 11, so the added stress of this test was heavily weighing us down. I was nervous I would go into labor while he was away, and felt like the baby was going to come early (I just didn't know how early). By week 36 I was dilated to a 3 and over 80% effaced. My doctor just wanted me to make it to 37 weeks, so baby would be considered full term. In my mind, I was having this baby EARLY! Levi got back into town on Friday October 6, and I made it to 37 weeks on that Monday. The rest of the week was filled with Levi taking his test, and me hiking and nesting hard core.
The night of October 13th, we went to a high school football game for Meridian High, and it just so happened to be right across from St. Lukes (hollah!) Our hospital bags were already to go in the car, along with the car seat. My appetite was out of control that night, but I honestly thought nothing of it. I wanted Chick-Fil-A which I never really eat (but it was so good). I scarfed it down, stole some of Levi's fries, and pounded a milkshake faster than you can say "milkshake." He was laughing at me, and even told the girl who checked us out I could go into labor tonight when she asked when I was due. Little did we know that was in fact the case.
We left the game a little early, I was pretty uncomfortable and it was about to storm which was ironically a big indication of labor for many women. The hospital staff told me that when the barometric pressure drops, and storms occur more women are likely to go into labor because of the pressure changes in the air. How crazy is this fact?! Well we went home after the game, changed into our PJ's and put on Pirates of the Caribbean. I made some cookies, and we enjoyed them along with the movie.... until my water broke at 11:05pm. I heard a literal pop, and then felt a warm gush of water. I said, "Oh crap! Honey I think my water just broke!" I ran to the bathroom, and yes the water was not stopping. I sat there thinking to myself- so do I wait until my contractions are 4 minutes apart? I called the hospital, and they wanted me to come in right away.
When we got to Triage at St. Lukes, they wanted to make sure my water really broke so they had to run a bunch of tests, and unfortunately do a speculum exam. When the doctor did the exam, they told me I was dilated to a 4. This was around midnight, and they finally admitted me into L&D around 12:30 am on the 14th. While I was waiting for the "test" to come back that my water actually broke I was throwing up in a small waste basket in the corner of the room. My contractions felt like they were on top of each other. They were very strong. I walked to my L&D room, and I felt the staff was not really in a hurry to get me to my room, nor were they concerned with how close my contractions were... they thought I was still at a 4. While walking to the room, I dropped to my knees with the worst contraction ever. The nurse asked me if I wanted to get into a bath when I got to my room and I begged her yes.
1:00 AM
Hot water is my cure for everything. I love taking hot showers and baths, so this was a must. In my head I went in thinking my labor was going to be long and strenuous, and I was not opposed to an epidural if I had to get one. I knew it was in for a long night. At this point it was around 1:00am and my contractions were so brutal. They literally felt like they were on top of each other with no relief whatsoever. The bath was getting annoying, so I gravitated to the floor. It just seemed like the most comfortable place for me at the time. The bed was too high, the bath was not giving me relief, and the birthing ball was hard to balance on amidst my contractions. The floor was the best option for me. While on the floor I was trying to do the breathing exercises, and my mom was trying to coach me through them. I looked her and remember saying they do not take away the pain (LOL).
1:45 AM
The nurses were asking me so many questions, and at one point I literally said I can't answer anymore questions from anyone... I think I need an epidural if I am only at a 4. I still thought I was at a 4. I felt like I could not hang with contractions that strong and hard if I had to labor like that 10 more hours... I was in serious pain. In my head I just prepared for a 10+ hour labor (not sure why) but everyone said that the first child is the longest and I heard horror stories. My mom looked at the nurses with concern and Levi wanted them to check me again to make sure I was really only a 4..... but first the IV. I had to get an IV put in to get ready for labor and the epidural, so the nurse got down on the floor with me to try and put it in. She accidentally snapped it as she was putting it in my right arm. Blood gushing everywhere! Levi told me not to look, and I looked. Bad Idea. I was literally in a pool of my own blood. She plugged my arm with her hand, and called for help. All the meanwhile I was in the middle of the worst contraction of the night. They got the IV problem figured out, and I needed to go to the bathroom.......
2:15 AM
As the nurse was "putting in" for an epidural I ran to the bathroom, and literally my body started pushing. It was this natural instinct to push, and I could not stop it. Levi alerted the nurses that I was already pushing and she said to try and stop pushing. I literally could not stop, but I did try. They ran me to the bed, and let me know in a frantic sort of way I was at a 9.5. Hello all natural labor! No time for an epidural. I honestly didn't care at that point... it was go time. Thank goodness. I pushed for about 40 minutes and my doctor was able to make it to deliver baby boy Scott. She got to our room around 2:30 AM and she was on it. I delivered him at 2:55AM. Healthy boy weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces and not waiting around for anyone. He came in 3 hours from start to finish, and boy were we happy to meet him!
The next few hours consisted of skin to skin, breastfeeding, and getting him weighed, poked, and prodded. It has to be done, but it was so sad! I truly believe I had one of the smoothest (well for the most part) deliveries I could have asked for. I had no drugs the entire time, no tearing whatsoever, and felt so good minus being a bit sore. The entire time at the hospital my recovery was simple, I hardly had to use the handy dandy little peri bottle, and I took 1 Ibuprofen the next day for some cramping I was having. Simple. Easy. Holy Cow! My doctor told me that the second birth is even quicker....... well good to know!! After 1 week we were taking 30 minute to 1 hour walks behind our house, and enjoying our new life adjustment with our little man.
We are so in love.
xoxo Lauren Nicole