December 2017
Our December was full of family and fun, especially because it was Scott's first Christmas and New Years! The Holidays are always fun...
My Breastfeeding Story
Easy. Painless. A Bonding Experience.... those are the words I attributed to breastfeeding before I tried it.Well that was not my...
November 2017
To say this month has not been life changing would be a fib! We have had so many great adventures as well as moments of learning over the...
Month 1: Scott Michael
31 Days of photos of our little man, and how he has changed! I wanted to try and document each day the changes with photos of our first...
What I Packed In My Hospital Bag
The uncertainty of labor and delivery can be nerve racking whether you are a first time mom, or a second/third/ or fourth time mom....
Scott Michael’s Birth Story
On October 14th, 2017 our lives changed forever. Scott Michael Jones made his way (quickly) into this world at 2:55am weighing 6 pounds 9...
Kauai, Hawaii- A Babymoon Story
Hello again! I feel like I have been completely suppressed and out of my "blog" game the last few months! The last post I wrote about (My...
My Boston Marathon Story
When April comes around it means one thing in my mind. The Boston Marathon. In just 1 weeks time many runners will be lining up at the...
The Love Challenge
Valentines Day is RIGHT around the corner, and we all know what that means! Love :) We can't forget about the heart shaped candies, and...
Essential Oils: What To Know!
*Disclaimer: I do not sell essential oils for DoTerra. I am just a happy customer! About a year ago I started to become fascinated with...