Month 1: Scott Michael
31 Days of photos of our little man, and how he has changed! I wanted to try and document each day the changes with photos of our first month! Some days were easier than others to snap a pic :) Lots of snuggling happened this month..
We also had a ton of friends and family come over with meals, and it was so amazing let me tell you! We truly appreciated all of the company and the support- it truly means the world to us! I made a little collage of many of the people who came over to show their love. I don't know what we would have done without them!
Throughout Scott's first month we have been focused on breastfeeding, pumping, and creating a freezer supply! We have also been focused on learning more about each other too, and spending quality time as a family. We do daily walks on the green belt behind our home and we spend time just holding our little man. They can't be held and cuddled enough! We have gotten to experience his first bath, first Halloween, first family photos, and first time meeting all of the friends and family we hold near and dear. Also his first trip to the doctor for his check up, and grocery store! So adventurous! (Lol) What a jam packed month we have had!
Scott's Favorites
Being swaddled
Being held
His Dock A Tot
My Favorite Products
So far my favorite baby products have been......
Dock A Tot- YES. YES. YES.
Owlet- So needed and amazing for peace of mind.
Baby /monitor
Latch bottles for when I need to pump into a bottle and feed him that way.
Nursing tanks and nursing bras for an easier time nursing out and about
Copper Pearl car seat cover/nursing cover
Sprout Fit Clothes- They go on so smoothly, and comfortably!
Flannel PJ's the button from the front... pumping at night and nursing at night can be chilly..
Boon grass
Moby Wrap
B.O.B stroller and car seat attachment
See you again soon
xoxo Lauren Nicole